Category Archives: Community

Ramadhan 1443/2022

You can click here to download the PDF: Ramadhan timetable Fidya/compensation for people unable to keep fast for a valid reason, and cannot make up the fast at a later date. The compensation for each days fast is the same as Sadaqatul Fitr, which is 1.6 kg of wheat or its market related value. (Hidaya,… Read More »

Update Your Details!

If you have donated to GBMF or you are a user of GBMF, then please fill in the Donor Details form. This will allow us to claim GiftAid on any eligble donations. We shall, insha’Allah, keep you informed of any developments and service offerings for the community.


If you would like to volunteer and help deliver things for the community or if you have ideas to start a project that would be beneficial to the community, then why not contact us, and lets get it up and running?